work sucks! i can't believe the things my boss said to me today.
i cried 3 times today all for completely opposite reasons and
Mr. Symos said that the manager was right in attacking Cyndi's
parents last week.
i hate it when she does that.
i hate it when anyone doesn't take me seriously. even little things.
its just so, degrading. and you wonder why i never think the things
i say are important. or why i am so melodramatic, just to get
some attention. Fuck it sucks getting old.
oh my god, alex came over today to show me his new dog.
its so cute it hearts. We are DEFINITELY in love.
god, i havent really written here in soo long. nothing eventful
has happened though. i think my sister meet a guy who she likes [all
she says is "he's NICE"...the worst, most overused word
in the english language]...yeah, nothing to great with me though. ive been
getting really excited for work and the new year. i have so many 'resolutions'.
of which i will probably only achieve like, two. here's part of the
looonnnnggg list [work with me, i dont have it written anywhere...
just improvising] it starts with the most wanted that i can think
of now....
now for the more extravagant-never-going-to-happen-
1. TO GAIN WAIT...this, of course, has been my one and
only most desired wish since...oh, i dont know, FOREVER!
2. get a friggin car already!...i no, the gas is pricey but we really need dad is just too damn picky [i guess that's where
i get that from]
3. have the most amazing birthday, ever. SEPTEMBER 11th, all the way!!
4. some how get tix to Burning Man-- sep 1st...see the urgency?
5. have a fantabulous first few weeks of work [sub-list: finish decorating
my boss--i don't even wanna know how]
not-even-in-your-dreams list [my fave]:
6. meet Fiona Forbes...gawd, i love her!!!! [sub: her b-day is jan 12...isn't it
7. or rather, just snowboard with her ;)
8. get better on the slopes...see the dilemma?
9. meet hilary duff [get her CD--yesterday!!...metamorphosis, wtf?!? could
that get any more generic?! no offense.]
10. finish song sketches....arg!
11. be happy
12. be sucessful
13. be recognised
14. stop the injuries [i have way too many and they get in the way
of my life...ouch, pain now] but as they say: no pain, no, sure.
15. GET FATTER and stay that way!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is my ultimate goal in
life. i gain wait but then i dont stay there...its a bummmer.
okay, that's my list...there's more, but im not wanting to write them, so.
i forgot about alex! oh well. we will always be together.
oh, yeah, i wish i had so kind of writing talent. i wanna learn to swing a
pen. its not fair, whenever i see J she always has some new gig; a new
instrument that she's taught herself. i hate that. thats one of my
pet peeves; me being talentless while others have talent--actually,
that doesnt bother me so much as their bragging about it. arg.
other weird pet peeve: eyebrows. not that i dont want ANY, but when
they're all wrong. i guess that's a little superficial of me and i shouldn't
be so concerned with looks--you know, considering--but it still bothers
me to no end, i really should carry around a pair of tweezers, like that
woman from hilary duff's band.
luv christian.